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All posts by Alex Chen

Design and Medicine: Melding Two Worlds

Steven McGaughey, MD, is a pediatric emergency medicine fellow at Oregon Health and Sciences University in Portland. He studied architecture at Dartmouth before beginning medical school at the University of Iowa, where he developed his passion for design with a series of illustrations and medical

Provocations on Infrastructure: Energy

The alarm rings through the hallway and resonates with the chorus of vibrating beepers. One can almost feel the adrenaline in the room as everyone perks up their ears, stands up, and rushes out of the room. An emergency is afoot. Someone is dying, or

Provocations on Infrastructure: Flow

Where is that mysterious place that we send all our “labs” to? Everyday, we round and round on the wards, wake up patients, and poke and prod them to get an idea of what they have and get a sample of their tissue. As the

Provocations on Infrastructure: Age

The last king raised the funds to build the hospital. Projects of this scale is difficult to achieve without an expansive capital or a groundswell of public support, and bonds were sold in order to finance the construction of the medical center of Ethiopia, in