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Category Archives: Visual Arts

JAMA announces Arts and Medicine section

Today, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) announced that it is starting a new Arts and Medicine section. Associate Editor Roxanne Young wrote in the editorial introducing the new section: “In 2016, we take the transformation further, beyond the visual and fine arts

If Disney Were a Physician

I wanted to become an artist long before I wanted to become a doctor. While my classmates were going through the fireman, astronaut or paleontologist stage (okay, I also had an astronaut stage), I wanted to work for Disney and draw the next Lion King.

Drawing from Medicine

In medical school, we study every nook and cranny in the human body- what it looks like, how it works, and what happens when things go wrong. Many days, studying resorts to stone cold memorization- which cranial nerves innervate the tongue? What cardiac anomalies comprise the Tetralogy of

Doodling to Learn Medicine

Growing up, I always struggled with math and science. My teachers encouraged me to pursue my more natural talents, which were in the arts and humanities. I never thought I could make it in medical school with my hard science deficiencies and my unstructured, creative

Chamomile and Canvas: Doctoring and Painting

Amrita Karve, MD is a fellow in cardiology at The Ohio State University. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan. She grew up in Okemos, Michigan, and attended college and medical school at George Washington University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending her